Saturday, May 24, 2008


This one's for you Vibhav. :-D

1. Last movie you saw in a theatre?
Shutter...was bad.

2. What book are you reading?
Metamorphosis by Kafka(just started).

3. Favourite board game?
Chinese checkers :))

4. Favourite magazine?
None really!

5. Favourite smell?
That of rain.

6. Favourite sound?
Ummm.....the worst is of the alarm clock in the morning. :)

7. The worst feeling in the world?
Helplessness, for sure.

8. What is the first thing you think of/say when you wake up the morning?
Gosh!!! Am soo late!

9. Favourite fast food place?
It would Pizza Hut and Slice of Italy.

10. Future child's name?
Pehle child ke papa ko toh mil jaane do!!!

11. Finish this statement. "If I had lot of money I'd...?"
.....send my parents for a world tour.

12. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

13. Storm-cool or scary?

14. Favourite drink?
Does that even matter??

15. Finish this statement, "If I had the time I would..."
I would do everything I have been wanting to do for a long time.

16. Do you eat the stems on broccoli?

17. If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?

18. Name all the different cities/towns you’ve lived in?
I have been traveling all my life. :-D
Ranchi, Ferozpur, Chandigarh, Ambala, Gopalpur, Gandhidhaam, Udhampur, Indore.

19. Favorite sports to watch?
I don't follow any.

20. One nice thing about the person who sent this to you?
Ummm...writes very well. ;)

21. What’s under your bed?
Nothing much...just cleaned it. :P

22. Would you like to be born as yourself again?
I think so...

23. Morning person, or night owl?

24. Over easy, or sunny side up?

25. Favorite place to relax?
The mountains...nothing like it.

26. Favorite pie/mithai?

27. Favorite ice cream flavor?

28. Of all the people you tagged this to, who’s most likely to respond first?
Lets see.

I tag:-

Soul Search